Les Fourberies de Scapin – Molière

The scene takes place in Napoli, on the shore of seafaring dreams stretching out towards the East.

Contending with two authoritarian fathers, two sons , whose loves are opposed, ask the cunning Scapin for his help; Scapin, haunted by a tremendous energy of revenge, is the copy of Scaramouche, Italian actor with an adventurous life that Molière admired very much. « To tell you the truth, little is impossible for me when I decide to deal with it » declares the servant buffoon whose name derives from the Italian scappare which means « to escape », « to fly away » , as reminds us Denis Podalydès. If he gets any  blows , he gives back just as many ; in an atmosphere of ransom demand and fatherly vexations , Scapin unfolds an avalanche of tricks and deceits that Molière excelled in depicting.

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