Paris launches new bins aimed for biowaste

After the yellow bin for packaging, and the white bin for glass, the Paris City Hall launches the orange bin to collect biowaste in the 2nd and 12th arrondissement of the capital. This action pursues the zero waste strategy decided by the city.

© Marcus Lindstrom / IStockphotos​

Orange bins to encourage recycling
Biowaste, that is to say biodegradable waste like food leftovers, yard waste etc., represents 18% of the total of domestic waste in Paris. To reduce waste and encourage its recycling, here is the goal that the city of Paris keeps to promote. In early 2016, it decided in particular to set up an awareness campaign called “Le Paris du tri”. It was subsided in several actions: reinforcement of financial meanings, poster campaigns and development of the garbage collection in the public area. This goal is a part of a more global program of the city, to develop an urban agriculture and to promote sustainable food, of which the latest measures have been voted on January 30th 2017 at the Paris Council. From June 2017, orange bio-buckets will be distributed to the 800 collective compost stations which will gradually be installed by 2020. For those who wish to make their own compost, the City Hall proposes also individual “lombricomposteurs" (small worm bins).

For further information, please visit the website of the Paris City Hall.

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Exhibition: Les Parisculteurs
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Parisculteurs: The new green participatory project of the capital
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The Association Veni Verdi paints the city green
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Exhibition: Fruits à tous les étages
July 24, 2015

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