Exhibition: Persona, étrangement humain

With its new exhibition entitled “Persona. Etrangement humain” (“Persona. Strangely human”), the musée du quai Branly wonders about our relation to objects. Thanks to the anthropologists’ works, we try to understand how the inanimate can become animated. For this purpose, we discover art objects, whether contemporary, westerner or not, but also high-tech products, as robots and machines. They have a status of person or creature, and are not anymore a simple object. In this way, from the shaman who invokes the spirits through a divine statuette, to the teenager who grumbles against his smartphone which acts its own way by refusing to work, there is one step, the one of the objects almost considered as people with abilities to act until then unexpected. This event is to visit until November 2016, located nearby the Green Hotel Paris, the Eiffel Trocadéro and the Gavarni, across the Seine.

“Persona. Etrangement humain” (“Persona. Strangely human”) exhibition, from January 26th to November 13th 2016.
Open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 11am to 7pm.
Nocturnal on Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 9pm.
Full rate: €9 / Concession: €7.

Mechanical Avalokiteśvara ver. Sun - © Wang Zi Wo picture

Musée du quai Branly
37, quai Branly
75007 Paris
Tel: +33 (0) 1 56 61 70 00
Access: Pont de l’Alma (RER C).

About me


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Exhibition: The little explorer’s box of delights
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Exhibition: Bettina Rheims. You are finished, gentle faces
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Exhibition: Ghosts and Hells
April 09, 2018
Exhibition: Paintings from afar
January 26, 2018
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January 01, 2018
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December 25, 2017
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Exhibition: The native forests, arts of equatorial Atlantic Africa
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Exhibition: “The Aztec Hotel”
September 04, 2017

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