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All our lighting is fitted with low-energy bulbs. Corridors are equipped with presence detectors with automatic shut-off. We collect and tabulate all our hotels' electricity consumption data in order to analyze and reduce consumption year after year, with pre-defined reduction targets.
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It's the end of the Olympic Games! (and soon the Paralympic Games), prolong the spirit of Olympism and sport with a beautiful exhibition devoted to the first games organized a hundred years ago, in the capital. A 9-minute bike ride from the hotel, the Musée Marmottan Monet presents an exhibition entitled "En jeu! Artists and […]
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On view until September 2 at the Bourse de Commerce, Featuring works exclusively from the Pinault Collection, whose breadth, vitality and diversity it underlines, the "Le monde comme il va" exhibition is on view throughout the Bourse de Commerce until September 2. Bringing together a vast selection of pieces mainly produced between the 1980s and […]
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